Proactively predict anomalies and automate recovery with KubeAIOps.
KubeAIOps Approach
Not only does it detect anomalies, but it also offers direct troubleshooting and automatically handles failures.
Why KubeAIOps?
Alert-based anomaly detection and failover advisors enable fast and immediate operational adoption.
Multi Cluster
Alert Dashboard
Access Group
Easy Intagration
Business outcome
Why should customers adopt KubeAIOps?
KubeAIOps is a reliable and efficient operation solution that can prevent failures in advance by applying artificial intelligence algorithms to predict anomalies and failures in advance and automate response processing and management.
Deep learning-based failure proactive processing
It learns and analyzes the collected data to automatically create incident tickets and suggest responses to predicted anomalies and failures so that you can take preemptive action.
Automatically handle detected anomalies or signs of failure based on rulesets established through threshold analysis, etc. You can effectively respond to repetitive failures as well as uncommon signs.